Why do I stream

From a young age I have always had an interest in technology and video games, playing a vast array titles from multiple genres.

Over the last 20 years I have played games in a competitive format mainly playing FPS titles. From the start of online play using 56k modem I started with games like Counterstrike (Pre Steam). As the internet in the local area improved gaming became more accessible on line.

In the last few years I dabbled with video content creating for Youtube but struggled to create engaging media. In March 2021 I started streaming on Twitch mainly to show off co-op gameplay with friends. This was a casual and for fun part of gaming and I found that I really enjoyed talking to viewers and talking about gaming histories, gameplay etc.

I decided to take the plunge and stream on Twitch more often and around July 2021 decided to stream 3 -4 times a week but on a solo basis. Playing games like War Thunder, PUBG, iRacing and Enlisted. I slowly increased the amount of days I streamed and started attracting followers to the channel. I soon passed the 50 follower requirement for the Twitch Affiliate program but couldn’t achieve the average of 3 viewers target required. I decided to change game and started playing Circuit Superstars online and joined a great community of players some who have become great friends. There are many people who have supported me over the months developing the stream but there are a couple of people who stand out.

In November 2021 one person helped me achieve the affiliate target by raiding me twice on two consecutive nights with a large number of viewers – MinardiSimsport who is probably the best CSUP player currently supported me through the process and for that I can’t thank him enough – visit him on Twitter  and Twitch. Thank you Minardi.

I became good friends with Stonie_uk and Joe64bit through the game and still regularly watch their streams and talk offline – two very entertaining streamers – Joe now streams alot of Retro gaming and Stonie still has the CSUP bug. During this time I started helping others on their Twitch journey and this is where I met FTR_Sbinalla who plays F1 series of games – when I met him he didn’t have many followers but his enthusiasm for the game and his outgoing nature has developed his streams and now has over 1500 followers – all of these are great guys and worth watching on streams. 

I now have some great mods on my channel including Sassy, Banj4x3d, Otush and Evadie.

I continue to meet some great people on stream and this is the reason I enjoy what I do. My channel has started to grow and I continue to enjoy talking to people, meeting new friends and having talks about all different topics whilst playing games I enjoy.

And this is the reason I enjoy what I do.

War Thuinder Logo

Circuit Superstars

Iracing Logo