What is a community

One of Google’s definitions of a community is, “the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common.”

To me a Gaming Community is more than that – I have been involved with various clans and communities in over 20 years of gaming. I have played arranged matches for teams on many games and got to know a lot of people.

Gaming Communities in the last 10 years have changed in my opinion – a community of gamers is now where people become great friends, stick with them through thick and thin, give them advice, encourage, support and help them out, and share their real-life experiences.

Since starting to stream in March of 2021 I have made more good friends out of gaming than ever before. I still talk regularly to some of those involved in games from the past who will always be lifelong friends but those who have I have met recently are different.

These are people who work to a common goal, who look out for others when streaming, give you advice or will simply be there for a chat when things aren’t going well. Communities have the ability to make people feel special, revered, wanted without wanting anything in return. The communities I am involved with do exactly that and never more so than over the past few weeks. 

It is these kinds of communities that, after a hard day at work or when doing through tough times, you know you can load the game, join your friends, and your world is instantly better. They draw out a smile from even the darkest of moods… and you go to bed absolutely knackered, jaw sore from smiling so much. To have that place you can go to, and get those kinds of feelings every time, is a place I wish every person on the planet could access… a sort of gaming happy place, so to speak.

If you want to be part of the kind of community I’ve just described, join the Discord – we will warmly welcome you.  Click here to join